
Search results

  1. ECU module programming guide using FDRS

    I'm not sure. So, the best thing is to get on the request vin lookup thread and ask someone who already has FDRS to see if there are any updates listed before you commit to another licence.
  2. new-to-me IPMA PMI failing

    Somewhere in the IPMA procedures (I can't remember where) there is a calibration for the parking that you can run. Or at least I remember more than one calibration procedure exists. I would try to make all of them succeed and see if the alignment DTC disappears at least for a start.
  3. Can't get into engineering mode!

    @dacunn Dave, check that you've done this one (some need to, some don't but it never hurts to enable it: Disable Ignition / Start Engine Chime Seatbelt Not Latched using SWM = ECE IPC 720-01-02 xxxx x0-- xxxx x2-- If not 0, add 2.
  4. Pro Trailer assist activation in Forscan?

    Look for PTBA or TBA addresses in TRM, IPMA, APIM. For example, TRM: 791-01-01 xxxx xxx* xx-- TBA Feature: 0=Not Present, 1=Present If you need me to find the other settings, let me know, it will take a day or so though.
  5. Reverse Brake Assist Not Available- See Manual

    The slightest change to parking sensors and/or cameras usually results in that and some other messages - gets fixed by the various calibration procedures that can be done.
  6. Pro Trailer assist activation in Forscan?

    So you've added all the hardware and wiring required? The configuration will be in the "advanced" area of FORScan; I can have a go, but not having done it before, it's "suck-it-and-see".
  7. 2021+ F-150 FORScan List / Database / Spreadsheet

    Give the ACM a couple more reboots if not done already. If it's still not making engine noise: 1. What trim level and year truck do you have? 2. Do you have the B&O system? 3. If yes, is it 8 or 18 speaker?
  8. 2021+ F-150 FORScan List / Database / Spreadsheet

    FYI and for the future: the most common reason a module reboot gives no response or dialog box when hitting "play" is that back in module configuration "stop" has not been hit so it is still inside that configuration procedure.
  9. Computer screen locked up

    Reboot it by holding down the audio power and track forward buttons until the screen goes blank and try again when it comes back.
  10. Fixed - Battery upgrade to H8 - now brake light stays on, can't reset BMS

    I think at this point a couple more module reboots are in order. Reboot the BCMC (if available in the list) and the BCM. I suspect a low voltage condition has been latched by a module that is being read by the ABS module. I'd also reboot the IPC for good measure to see if the battery tell-tale...
  11. Fixed - Battery upgrade to H8 - now brake light stays on, can't reset BMS

    According to the frame, he was engine running. That does explain the lack of a battery tell-tale in the IPC, but not the aberrant ABS behaviour.
  12. Fixed - Battery upgrade to H8 - now brake light stays on, can't reset BMS

    Have you tried rebooting the ABS module in service procedures?
  13. 2021+ F-150 FORScan List / Database / Spreadsheet

    We all hate it 🤣. If you find it hasn't been changed, you're not going insane. With FORScan, you're writing configuration that can be reset by OTAs or FDRS updates. If the ford servers have you at a particular configuration, that one will be written into the module during the module...
  14. 2025 Marsh Gray?

    Hmpf... Marsh Gray (🤮) isn't even bearable under white; seems ok as a monochrome though. Stone Gray under Star White FTW 👌
  15. ECU module programming guide using FDRS

    My understanding is it is meant to fix the buggy network connection issues: wi-fi, Bluetooth, CarPlay, AA etc.
  16. 2021+ F-150 FORScan List / Database / Spreadsheet

    Did you make the change in the spreadsheet to remove the black box? If so, recheck that it's correct and reboot the APIM- it might need a kick in the guts. Your camera button orientation looks good to me 🤷‍♂️🙂
  17. Making the 'Lie-O-Meter' more 'honest' (Average Fuel Economy display)

    FORScan. Adjusting tire circumference is how you can calibrate your Speedo to actual.
  18. Adaptive Learning & Possible TCM updates

    I'm buttery smooth here. The only time I get a hard (really hard) downshift is when the trans is still cold and I come to a T-intersection and forget to come up nice and gradually. I never beat on the 10R80 until it reaches at least 80 ° C. When I wasn't happy with shifting, I disabled (called...
  19. Adaptive Learning & Possible TCM updates

    Just for accuracy and not having a go, but you're referring to the TCU 🙂. As you say though, we have no TCM. 👍
