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  1. 2024 F150 XLT Random - Intermittent Noise / Vibration

    Sure sounds like the same issue, Hopefully someone will figure something out soon. The dealer called this morning and wanted to set up and appointment, but at this point I told them for what. Its so random and cant afford to lose my truck for weeks while you drive it around and not find...
  2. 2024 F150 XLT Random - Intermittent Noise / Vibration

    Not sure if its cold weather related or not. I live in PA and while it does get cold here, nothing like what you get of course, certainly not a long of time. It stated happing while it was quite warm out though. But at this point its anyone guess.
  3. 2024 F150 XLT Random - Intermittent Noise / Vibration

    Not that time. We had a little snow. I took it for a ride with my phone ready. But it didn't do it. So on my way back I put it in 4H. The roads were somewhat snow covered and straight. Just trying to duplicate this problem, was in 4H for about a mile or so. Came to an intersection and put back...
  4. 2024 F150 XLT Random - Intermittent Noise / Vibration

    They replace the Actuator Assembly's as per TSB24-2189, and made the noise on the way home from the dealer.
  5. 2024 F150 XLT Random - Intermittent Noise / Vibration

    Need help or suggestions where to turn. I have new 2024 F150 XLT 302A Equipment Group, with 5.0L with only 1750 miles on it. While in 2H, Normal mode, It started making a strange sound / vibration like something rubbing, last for about 30 seconds to a minute or so around 45 MPH and higher was...
  6. Intermittent hum or howl from front end

    keep us posted. I have the exact same issue. 2024 F150 XLT with 5.0. Only 1500 miles. Sounds like something rubbing, but goes away in 20 to 30 seconds at around 45 to 55 MPH. They could not replicate the noise/vibration, figured that. But after talking to the service rep she found a a SB that...
