Sounds like they're more willing to try and fix the problem through engineering and OTA means than having customers get angry over leaving their trucks at the dealership for days or weeks because technicians can't follow directions
Got into the truck today and saw my Android Auto was changed over. Shortcut icons on the left and different screen lay out.
Checked the Sync update screen and the software update details page was blank. Pressed a few buttons on the software update page then the details page was populated with...
I'd be fine with a nice dial that felt satisfying putting into gear than the folding console shifter. That thing just feels cheap and like it's going to break one of these days. I think I'd rather have extra storage or perhaps a way to widen the cup holders instead of the current shifter. I...
I wish you could geotag when proximity would not work. When I first got the truck it was enabled and I liked the feature, then came a day I had the key in my pocket doing yard work or something so I was passing the truck a lot and the retractable steps would always drop. I ended up just...
You're not being picky. You purchased a new vehicle, not one used in as-is condition. You shouldn't expect to get anything less than a new vehicle. They wouldn't sell you the truck if you showed up with $2,000 less money to buy it, they shouldn't expect you to accept the truck with issues...
I like the new Sierra's. GM finally made the right call and updated that terrible interior. If it wasn't for having no new Sierra's to test drive and local dealers up charging around me, there's a good chance I would have pulled the trigger on that and not my F150. I'm happy with my current...
It appears my stock HCM file shows these values.This is opening my saved stock files with Notepad. I have a '22 Limited. I currently have anti glare installed.
734-01-01 as: 0111 0202 0053
734-01-02 as: 0100 0001 0040
My PB does that if I remote start it. Never noticed a drip towards the front of the vehicle, but there's definitely one back by the muffler under the rear passenger door.
I haven't looked in a while but I made sure it wasn't the heat exchanger and there has been no changes in coolant levels in...
It's not, but I find it funny that they have no trouble selling parts to people and not verifying the parts they're selling fall inline with a particular vehicle in their catalog, but the second a person tries to file a warranty on a defective part then checking the catalog is their first...
That would be a strange omission. Wonder what package that would be a part of then. May be worth seeing if they put on the wrong emblem and you do have it.
I think that's just a Lightning and Lincoln feature. I remember someone talking about there being a special module the Lightnings have that ICE ones do not for some sort of feature they wanted to add. Not sure if it was the rear door handles having sensors to unlock the doors like the fronts...
My '22 has been doing some hard shifting the passed 1500 or so. Nothing crazy and never had the issue of being in 8th gear at a stop. I may reset the shift tables to see if it goes away.