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  1. Over Fox... Onto Bilstien 6112 or Eibach 2 Pro

    bilstein will be more aggressive. eibach will be more comfortable on road.
  2. When will Ford give us reclining back seats?

    my previous Ram's had reclining back seats. it was nice to have but very negligible difference in my opinion.
  3. 2018 F150 Short block replacement

    you joined the wrong forum.. lol
  4. Ordering-has Ford lost it?

    ford has definitely lost their minds with pricing. my next truck if i had to choose would be a toyota, chevy or ram. and to set the record straight i am NOT a brand loyalist.
  5. Who’s swapping in the new 7.3 MEGAZILLA

    that thing has been irrelevant for awhile now lol
  6. 10r80 failure

    well damn i never knew ford was LGBT like that lol
  7. HAPPY NEW YEARS 2025!

    As the title says lol
  8. Eibach Pro Lift 2R + leveling puck

    you are able to pair aftermarket front struts with spacer pucks, yes.
  9. Ford Motor Company Announcement

    y’all were useless in the first place @Ford Motor Company
  10. Milwaukee M12 Fuel, or M18 none Fuel, both brushless, kit of two?

    m18 fuel, buy once cry once. i haven’t regretted my purchases since
  11. Would a lariat PB burn more fuel than an XLT PB?

    no, the fuel economy numbers.
  12. Would a lariat PB burn more fuel than an XLT PB?

    could always be a slight change within the engine tune itself 🤷🏻 what does it show on your window stickers?
  13. H8 battery in a 23 XL F150 Work truck

    they all have same battery space under the hood.. lol except for the powerboost i believe
  14. Under $1k audio upgrade for non B&O system begins.

    see if you can shell out a little extra and get the bass roll off fix by @SoundsGoodStereo
  15. Epiphany about truck prices in general

    hey that's great, i'm happy to hear that you're satisfied. however what i cannot stand is when people thrash about sticker prices of a new vehicles. these "outrageous" sticker prices CAN & ALWAYS be negotiated, yet nobody ever mentions so!
