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  1. BLUECRUISE 1.4 IS HERE!!! Update Installing Now

    My BC subscription expires in August of 25' and I stiil don't have the latest version. How long does it take to upgrade through Forscan with ODB link connection? I live SE of Pittsburgh and the weather/temps have been crazy cold. If I do decide to do this, which I have no idea how to do it...
  2. Remote start doesn't work with app anymore?

    update on the remote not working with the app...called Ford app people and she told me to do this...and it worked. lock the truck with the app...then open it...then start it with the app...and it worked...WTF?
  3. Quest for BlueCruise 1.4 on 2022 Powerboost

    1FTFW1ED7NFA22849 I just looked on my app...my last update was 12/12/24
  4. Quest for BlueCruise 1.4 on 2022 Powerboost

    Yinz dudes with the all the acronyms...what is PTS? Because I'm having Post Traumatic Symptoms...lol
  5. Remote start not working

    My Fpass remote stopped working too...and I do get the occasional no internal lights, no lights coming on when you walk up and deep sleep messages when I don't drive the truck for a few days...I'm just going to let the original batteries go dead before I change them out with a non Ford one...on...
  6. Quest for BlueCruise 1.4 on 2022 Powerboost

    Is there a way to find out if you have the latest update without using Forscan? I'm not very good at all that computer stuff.
  7. Bluecruise 1.4 Announced

    where do you look to see what version you're running at the moment?
  8. a GOOD-NEWS thread ..... share yours!

    I too love my 22' PB Platinum 3.5L 701A package...other than a recall and some weird electrical stuff due to the battery issues going around (I'm going to change them out)...just turned 27K with minimal issues...love all the bells and whistles!
  9. AGM Battery Causing No Run Mode??

    Following...I was getting the same message. It seems when I take the truck on a decent drive, the message goes away? I have a 22' Platinum 3.5L with 701A package.
  10. Remote start doesn't work with app anymore?

    Took it to Advanced Auto to see if they sold H7 AGM...Seems I already have one. He tested my battery and said it was fully charged. And now the message went away? Weird...
  11. Remote start doesn't work with app anymore?

    Good to know...what is the process to reset the BMS?
  12. Remote start doesn't work with app anymore?

    That makes sense...I'm getting this message when I shut the truck off..."System Off to Save Battery" "Please turn ignition off or start engine". I'll have to replace those batteries.
  13. Remote start doesn't work with app anymore?

    My remote start will not work anymore in my 2022 Powerboost 3.5L Platinum using the Ford app. I did have a recent recall to reprogram something...can't remember what it was?
