It's called Auxiliary Battery. Nothing in the manual about it. This is from the shop manual.
The auxiliary battery provides support for transient electrical loads that occur during a crank event when the main engine compartment battery is isolated from the rest of the vehicle and unable to...
My 3 year BC sub expired mid December and they just gave me another free year. No updates for my 2021 PB is on 1.0 BC and haven't received any updates in 7 months. I got the mongoose cable last month and going to update my truck this coming week. Tired of waiting on FORD to roll out BC. Hell...
So glad you guys figured out what the issue was with LC alerts. I'm getting ready to get my FDRS 2 day license and was going to try to get my 2021 updated. I really want the latest BC.... I'm always amazed at this forum how everyone rallies around issues..... I wish my coworkers did half as...
Yep, its accurate, haven't received any updates in past 6 months... Only the phantom update every other day or so. But still glad they added this feature.
I've seen a lot of posts about power supply and battery chargers. I just got my Mongoose cable and next week I was planning on updating my truck. I have a 10 amp charger, (see below). Is this good enough or do I need a 20 amp or a unit with a power supply mode? I have a lot of modules that...
My 2021 Platinum is now 36 months old this month with 22k miles on my truck and still loving it.. It pulls my travel trailer like it not even there and getting almost 12 mpg while towing.. The Powerboost is such a great platform. My truck PPOB powers my trailer and my house if necessary.
Just order one off Amazon. Used the coupon to take $75 off. $500.00 with Free Prime shipping plus tax. Tired of the dealership telling me can't update your modules wo codes.... Now time to learn how to use the updating software... I'm going to read the thread/instructions posted on using FDRS.